Our Member-To-Member Discount Program is a unique way for chamber members to promote their business' services and/or products exclusively to other Chamber members!
Members can use this service by offering a discount, taking advantage of the current discounts, or both! Remember to present your Member-to-Member Discount Key Tag (available at the chamber office) when purchasing products or services from participating member businesses.
(All discounts are subject to change without notice)
If you have questions about the Member-to-Member Discount Program, read our FAQ's. If you still have questions, contact the chamber office.
Would you like to promote your business to fellow chamber members by offering an exclusive member-to-memeber discount? Member-to-Member Discount Program Application
Not a member of the Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce? Join Today!
The Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce nor its board of directors, employees, nor membership, will be liable for products or services or for any inaccuracy in marketing materials. The Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce can change any terms of this discount program at any time.
Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center
1005 S. Superior Street
Antigo, WI 54409
Fax: 715.623.4135
©2025 Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce