The Antigo Junior Woman's Club was established in 1971. Club members are women of all ages who have a passion for volunteering and community service. The annual Blended Marketplace, featuring a Craft Fair, Trade, and Vintage Market, is the Club's largest fundraiser. It is held on the third Saturday in October at the Langlade County Fairgrounds. Crafters and vendors across the Midwest occupy 142 vendor spaces to showcase their unique creations and products. For further information on becoming a GFWC Antigo Junior Woman's Club member, please contact a club officer. New prospective members are encouraged to join the Club at any time. Club meetings are held monthly (August through May).
Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center
1005 S. Superior Street
Antigo, WI 54409
Fax: 715.623.4135
©2024 Antigo/Langlade County Chamber of Commerce